
Age: 13 weeks
Weight: 16lbs
Spayed/neutered Too young
Up to date on age appropriate vaccinations: Yes
Kennel trained: Yes
House trained: Mostly
Best breed guess: Shepherd mix
Being fostered in: Regina
Adoption fee: $350
Good with dogs: Yes
Good with cats: Unknown. Probably
Good with kids: Unknown, probably


Luna is a sweet, beautiful girl who loves to roll around and play with her toys, sticks, and her favourite.. Trampolines, she enjoys running, rolling, and bouncing around on them. She loves going for walks, doesn’t pull just trots around. Lick mats, celery sticks, and carrots are great to keep her busy and ease her teething! Kennel training was her favourite thing to learn. She puts herself to bed at 9pm and doesn’t whine until 6:45-7:45 but she needs to go potty then. But will go back in her kennel if you’d like, after she goes potty. She will also nap there during the day if the crate door is open!


She's also doing well with potty training, she is starting to wait at the door when she needs out, and will scratch at the door to come back inside! She’s very food motivated, so learning will be easier, she’s currently eating 3 times a day around 7am 12pm and 3:30pm.


She's great with other dogs but is shy around them at first. She started wanting to play with my dog after about 1 week. Luna is an intelligent puppy looking for a forever home! She knows how to sit, shake a paw, eat in her kennel, lay down, leave it, and stay!


Applications can be found on our website Applications can be found on our website here.