
Name: Lucky (male)
Age: 4 months
Weight: 18lbs
Spayed/neutered: not old enough
Up to date on age appropriate vaccinations: yes, needs second set of shots in August
Kennel trained: pretty good! Cries a little but then goes to sleep.
House trained: above average for age! Only 1 accident inside the house so far
Best breed guess: German Shepherd
Being fostered in: Regina
Adoption fee: $350 ($100 reimbursement with neuter)
Good with dogs: yes!
Good with cats: sometimes he barks at our cat but accepts redirection and stops.
Good with kids: very good!


Lucky is a fantastic puppy who will be a great pet. He is intelligent and eager to learn from humans making him very easy to train. He plays really nicely with kids and other dogs, walks well on a leash, has almost no accidents in the house and kennels well (cries a little but quickly goes to sleep). Lucky is a little on the skinny side and some of his skin is healing due to a rough start in life. However, he fits into the house life of a pet very well and is stronger everyday. If you’re willing to continue with puppy manners and socialization, Lucky will be a top notch dog for a lucky family!


Lucky is available for adoption July 8th but we are currently accepting applications now. Applications can be found on our website here.