
Name: Precious
Age: 10 weeks
Spayed/neutered: not old enough
Up to date on age appropriate vaccinations: Goes on June 24
Kennel trained: yes
House trained: working on it
Best breed guess: mixed breed
Being fostered in: Melville
Adoption fee: $350 ($100 refund once spay/neutered)
Good with dogs: yes
Good with cats: barks at them but when in same area hides
Good with kids: has not been around kids.


Precious came into our care with with over 200 ticks and almost didn't survive. She has come a long way in the short time we have had her. She tends to be on the cautious side, but when she gives love, it is all in! Her favorite things to do are to hang out with her puppy foster brother and snuggle up with her foster parents on the couch. Precious has a spunky attitude and is a very quick learner. Will be very easy to continue training this little girl. She is very food driven. She sleeps through the night in her kennel. I am sure Precious will be an amazing dog for any family!


Applications for Precious can be found on our website here.