
Name: Chip
Age: 1 year (born June 23/23)
Weight: 71 lbs but gaining
Spayed/neutered: yes
Up to date on age appropriate vaccinations: yes
Kennel trained: doing very well for short periods
House trained: yes
Best breed guess: XL bully/pitbull
Being fostered in: Regina
Adoption fee: $350
Good with dogs: yes
Good with cats: hasnt been around cats so, not sure but likely
Good with kids: yes


Chip is the sweetest cuddle bug you’ve ever met! He loves his foster family, including his big foster sister Olive. Chip is a timid little guy and would do well in a home with a confident older dog to teach him the ropes like Olive has been doing! He will need a home to continue to work on his confidence. Chip may get car sick while in the car. Chip is walking well on a leash and loves to spend time in the back yard being a baked potato. Chip loves to be at home so if you are looking for a constant companion who loves to cuddle and spend time together, Chip is your boy!


Chip is available for adoption September 1, but we are currently accepting applications now. Applications can be found on our website here.