
Name: Candy
Age: 2 years
Weight: 53lbs
Spayed/neutered yes
Up to date on age appropriate vaccinations: yes
Kennel trained: yes, but does like to play a game at bedtime of "catch me if you can". Does this for a few minutes then will go in with a treat
House trained: yes
Best breed guess: pitbull
Being fostered in: Melville
Adoption fee: $350
Good with dogs: yes, has been around dogs of all sizes
Good with cats: is interested but a little leary of them.
Good with kids: I have not had her around kids but I can't see it as an issue. She is a gentle soul.


Candy is an absolute love. She came to us straight from a boarding kennel that she had been born and raised in. We are her first real home. Candy was quick to befriend our 3 dogs. She loves to be out in our yard running around or just lying in the sun. She is also slowly learning what toys are and really loves the squeaky ones! Since being with us, she has not had any accidents inside. Candy will need a some training with basic commands but we are working on it. She is very food motivated. Loves her treats!
Candy is a very loving girl who just wants to be with her human. She will follow you everywhere.


Candy is available for adoption September 1, but we are currently accepting applications now. Applications can be found on our website here.