
Name: UNO
Age: 6 Months
Weight: 30lbs
Spayed/neutered: yes
Up to date on age appropriate vaccinations: started on
Kennel trained: yes but is getting sick of extended kenneling while healing from surgery
House trained: working on it
Best breed guess: Am Staff x
Being fostered in: Weyburn
Adoption fee: $350
Good with dogs: yes
Good with cats: yes but does chase if they run
Good with kids: yes


If you didn’t see his limp or incision you would never know that Uno was injured at any point in his life. Uno is the happiest and sweetest little guy that loves being with people and would prefer to be touching you if at all possible. He walks well on leash, loves belly rubs and playing with toys.
Uno came into the rescue needing to have his femoral head removed due to an old injury to his hip socket. He is one week post op and has proved that he failed to read his surgical take home instructions…. Good thing his foster mom is also his vet tech!


Uno is currently being forced to take it easy while recovering but he is very eager to get back to being a puppy and his foster family is really excited for him to not need to wear his cone.


Once he is healed from the surgery Uno will require some daily rehab exercises to help re build the muscle in that hip and leg. If all goes well you won’t even be able to tell he doesn’t have a femoral head!


Uno is on medical hold until his stiches heal, but we are currently accepting applications now. Applications can be found on our website here.