
Name: Ripley
Age: 16 months
Weight: 75 to 80 lbs
Neutered: Yes
Vaccinations: up to date
Kennel trained: Yes, but he roams free all day and night in the house with no issues
House trained: yes
Best breed guess: Lab cross
Being fostered in Regina $350 adoption fee
Good with dogs: no. We are working on it
Good with cats: yes, once they are familiar with each other
Good with kids: Yes
Date of birth: Match 19, 2023


Ripley is a small dog in his mind. He loves cuddling up on his chair or couch or cot. He is a vocal dog who lets you know when he wants outside, hungry, or it is time to play.


He has been on a special diet of raw and has now transitioned to a specific kibble that works for his allergies.


He is very food motivated, which has helped him learn some basic obedience tools (wait, stay, come, sit). We are working on pulling while walking and being around other dogs.


Ripley loves the outdoors but gets overheated as he runs hot. He will let you know he is done outside when he goes to the door.


Ripley has experienced camping and he likes it, but not with other dogs around.


Ripley has not been to a dog park, as that is not his thing. He likes his own space that he is familiar with.


He loves playing with our 6 year old Siamese cat inside and outside.


Ripley is currently working with a trainer for walking on a leash and some leash reactivity. 


Ripley is available for adoption and we are currently accepting applications. Applications can be found on our website here.