Dedicated Foster Home Feature

Prairie Sky has some of the greatest, most dedicated foster homes and we honestly wouldn’t be much of a rescue without these beautiful souls opening their homes and hearts to the sick, wounded, neglected, and unwanted dogs we vow to help!! And for those who can’t foster, our volunteers help the dogs by working fundraising events, collecting donations, transport, storing supplies, etc! Prairie Sky keeps running because of our amazing foster homes and volunteers and we think it’s about time we highlight these angels!!
First up is foster parents and volunteers, Brandi and Marshall!!! Not only has this duo fostered 21 dogs in need.. they adopted THREE of them! Our hearts are as full as their home!
Brandi says,
“I never dreamed that signing up to be a volunteer foster home for puppies and dogs through Prairie Sky could change my life so drastically. After watching our friend Jenna Steranko post pictures of her foster dogs on her facebook page I was immediately drawn to the idea of becoming a foster home to help dogs in need. My boyfriend agreed that we would sign up and give it a try, that was 3 years ago. During our time fostering with PSDR we've helped save the lives of 21 dogs - 3 of those dogs becoming part of our own family -AKA foster fails - (although I could have kept them all in my home). Fostering definitely can be difficult sometimes: from teaching dogs who have never been in a house before, to trying to win over the trust of a scared/traumatized dog, freeing up time to spend with them/work with them/vet appointments, but I can guarantee that each one of these beautiful souls we have fostered has ALWAYS given me more back than I have given them.
People often say to me "ohhh that must be sooo hard, I could never let all those dogs go to new homes" and I stumbled across a quote recently that sums up how I feel about this: "It came to me that every time I foster a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." There are always more dogs to be saved, and more dogs who need our love and that is why we continue to foster.”
Thank you Brandi and Marshall, for all you do for Prairie Sky and the dogs!!